Congratulations, the first meeting has gone exceptionally well. You’ve managed to put your proposal across without being too overbearing, you’ve explained what your company can provide, how you see the relationship working going forward, and you’ve confidently left your business card in anticipation of a call back…
What you may have failed to consider is that you cannot build a relationship on one meeting alone, and potential clients opt to vet your current offerings, do their due diligence and fill in the blanks. Where is the first place they go for this? Your website. As you’d expect, boxes are being ticked off left, right, and centre – there is no doubt you’re competent across your field – but there is one rather poignant recurring note for concern.
Unfortunate as it is, this recurring theme has resulted in your phone becoming seemingly bashful – no call back, no email, no closed deal. Naturally, questions are now being asked. The meeting went incredibly smoothly; what could possibly be the reason for such a clear and obvious rejection?
A quick chaser email alleviates many of your queries and answers all of your questions – albeit not what you wished to hear. Despite an extensive knowledge of your field, a well-drilled sales pitch, and an intuitive platform to help promote your business, it has become apparent that one of your most significant marketing tools has let you down considerably. More specifically, the content of your website.
A blatant disregard for performing basic quality checks has set the alarm bells ringing. Your potential client will now be looking beyond the clear spelling errors and is considering whether this lack of attention to detail extends further into the company. That may not be a risk those clients are willing to take and, on this occasion, has resulted in your company being relegated from the running. When there’s money and a well-built reputation on the line, can you blame them?
Not only do typos and basic errors put off potential clients, but they may concern potential new investors too. With a meeting on next quarter’s budget fast approaching, can you afford to be pushing new customers away due to a wrongly perceived lack of professionalism? If only there was a quick and easy solution to keep your reputation intact and avoid this going forward…
We at Website SpellChecker appreciate the time and effort it takes to create a user-friendly online experience, one that is free from glitches, slow-loading times, and credibility-denting typos. Because of this, we came together and created the Website SpellChecker tool – an intuitive software that scans the content of your website. We offer one off scans for those putting out a new website or just wanting to get their current website checked for peace of mind highlighting any obstacles that could be tarnishing your professionalism. We also offer regular scan packages for those who update their website on a regular occurrence.
As a proud business owner, you will know all too well about the many different facets and components that contribute towards building an established reputation (and how quickly it can be destroyed). Why not rid yourself of any additional stresses by recruiting a reliable external source to take care of the laborious and tedious task of quality assessing your content?
When purchasing a scan from Website SpellChecker, we provide you with a comprehensive report highlighting any issues within one working day. You can even create a list of words for our meticulous spell-checker to ignore such as unique product names, as well as selecting whether you wish for the spell-check to be completed in English, American English, Canadian English, or Australian English.
As you’ve already discovered, it can be difficult to build a relationship in one meeting alone. So, once you’ve had a look through the Website SpellChecker packages, testimonials, and FAQs, we will be more than happy for you to contact us directly and answer any questions you may have on how Website SpellChecker can help, free up several hours from your schedule, and help guarantee your business credibility.
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